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Ligações de um motor de busca  
194 Referenciados por diferentss motores de buscaPáginasPercentagemHitsPercentagem
Google .com342669.7 %4,22666.3 %
Unknown search engines4699.5 %4697.3 %
Google Brazil1352.7 %1662.6 %
Google .com ( catchall )1072.1 %3645.7 %
youtube1022 %1021.6 %
Yandex .ru921.8 %961.5 %
amazon240.4 %240.3 %
Bing : www.bing.com130.2 %2704.2 %
Yahoo : ( catchall )100.2 %100.1 %
Google Bangladesh80.1 %80.1 %
Google Greece ( images )80.1 %80.1 %
Google Fiji80.1 %80.1 %
Google Gabon80.1 %80.1 %
Google Federated States of Micronesia80.1 %80.1 %
Google Moldova ( catchall )80.1 %80.1 %
Google Spain70.1 %70.1 %
Google Botswana70.1 %70.1 %
Google Slovakia70.1 %70.1 %
Google Norway70.1 %70.1 %
Microsoft Windows Live60.1 %60 %
Google Uruguay60.1 %60 %
Google Czech Republic ( images )60.1 %60 %
Google Republic of the Congo60.1 %60 %
Google Zambia ( catchall )60.1 %60 %
Google Brunei ( images )60.1 %60 %
Google Israel ( catchall )60.1 %60 %
Google Morocco60.1 %60 %
Google Romania ( catchall )60.1 %60 %
Google Afghanistan60.1 %60 %
Google Portugal50.1 %60 %
Google Ascension Island ( images )50.1 %50 %
Google Russia50.1 %50 %
Google United Kingdom50.1 %50 %
Baidu50.1 %50 %
Google France50.1 %70.1 %
Google Nigeria40 %40 %
Google Ukraine ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Mozambique40 %40 %
Google Jamaica40 %40 %
Google Namibia40 %40 %
Google Niger40 %40 %
Google Venezuela40 %40 %
Google Belize ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Finland40 %40 %
Google Denmark40 %40 %
Google Luxembourg ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Lebanon ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Germany ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Slovenia40 %40 %
Google Anguilla40 %40 %
Google Djibouti ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Isle of Man40 %40 %
Google Rwanda ( images )40 %40 %
Google Pitcairn Islands40 %40 %
Google Papua New Guinea40 %40 %
Google Egypt ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Tunisia40 %40 %
Google Tokelau ( images )40 %40 %
Google Moldova40 %40 %
rr40 %40 %
Google Kenya ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Montenegro40 %40 %
Google Guadeloupe40 %40 %
Google Albania ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Sri Lanka ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Gambia40 %40 %
Google Dominican Republic ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Austria ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Sao Tome and Principe40 %40 %
Google Kuwait ( catchall )40 %40 %
Google Thailand ( images )40 %40 %
Google Switzerland30 %80.1 %
Google Bangladesh ( catchall )30 %30 %
Google Trinidad and Tobago30 %30 %
Google Netherlands30 %50 %
Google Somalia ( catchall )30 %30 %
Google Indonesia30 %30 %
Google United Arab Emirates ( catchall )30 %30 %
Google Chile30 %30 %
Google Malaysia ( images )20 %20 %
Google Egypt20 %20 %
Google Serbia20 %20 %
Google Guatemala ( images )20 %20 %
Google Vanuatu ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Republic of the Congo ( images )20 %20 %
Google Burkina Faso20 %20 %
yandex ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Cape Verde20 %20 %
Google Vanuatu20 %20 %
Google Timor-Leste ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Pitcairn Islands ( images )20 %20 %
Microsoft MSN Search20 %20 %
Google Tonga20 %20 %
Google Mexico ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Serbia ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Burkina Faso ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Namibia ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Canada ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google United Kingdom ( images )20 %20 %
Google Hungary20 %20 %
Google Chad20 %20 %
Google Nepal ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Tanzania ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Democratic Republic of the Congo ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Kiribati ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google South Africa20 %30 %
Google Turkey20 %20 %
Google Belarus20 %20 %
Google Macedonia20 %20 %
Google Guyana ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Malawi20 %20 %
Google Lithuania ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Poland ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Madagascar20 %20 %
Google American Samoa ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Belize ( images )20 %20 %
Google Panama ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google India20 %20 %
Google Japan ( images )20 %20 %
Google Mexico20 %30 %
Google Laos ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Paraguay20 %20 %
Google Cameroon20 %20 %
Google Haiti20 %20 %
Google Central African Republic ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google San Marino20 %20 %
Google Uzbekistan ( images )20 %20 %
Google Bulgaria20 %20 %
Google Bulgaria ( images )20 %20 %
Google Oman ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Suriname20 %20 %
Google Madagascar ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Jersey ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Togo20 %20 %
Google Jersey20 %20 %
Google Gibraltar20 %20 %
Google Ireland ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Montserrat20 %20 %
Google Colombia ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Nicaragua ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Fiji ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Burundi20 %20 %
Google Liechtenstein ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Ecuador20 %20 %
Google Cambodia ( images )20 %20 %
Google Hungary ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Saudi Arabia20 %20 %
Google Malta20 %20 %
Google Guatemala20 %20 %
Google Vietnam ( Translate )20 %20 %
Google United States Virgin Islands20 %20 %
Google Solomon Islands ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google American Samoa20 %20 %
Google Mali ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Azerbaijan20 %20 %
Google Germany20 %20 %
Google Indonesia ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Singapore20 %20 %
Google Somalia20 %20 %
Google El Salvador20 %20 %
Google Kyrgyzstan ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Rwanda ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Bolivia ( images )20 %20 %
Google Australia20 %20 %
Google Italy ( images )20 %20 %
Google Senegal ( catchall )20 %20 %
Google Panama ( images )20 %20 %
Google Malawi ( images )20 %20 %
Google Jordan20 %20 %
Google New Zealand ( catchall )10 %10 %
GMX Suche10 %10 %
Google Hong Kong10 %10 %
Google Mongolia10 %10 %
Web.de10 %10 %
Google Iraq ( catchall )10 %10 %
Yandex .com10 %20 %
nation10 %10 %
Google Maldives ( catchall )10 %10 %
Google Argentina10 %10 %
Google Kazakhstan ( catchall )10 %10 %
Alexa10 %10 %
Google Greenland10 %10 %
Google Malaysia10 %20 %
Yahoo : search.yahoo.com10 %10 %
Google Iraq ( images )10 %10 %
Google Canada10 %10 %
Google Lesotho ( images )10 %10 %
Google Nauru ( catchall )10 %10 %
Yahoo : mx.images.search.yahoo.com  10 %
Yahoo : images.search.yahoo.com  20 %
Yahoo : id.images.search.yahoo.com  10 %
Yahoo : r.search.yahoo.com  10 %
Bing : cn.bing.com  20 %
Yahoo : br.images.search.yahoo.com  861.3 %

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